Check Up

Notitek Software

Do You Know How Much Return You'll Get?

Our Check-Up feature enables you to calculate your expected VAT refund. Simply select the date range and VAT rate, download the Excel draft, and upload it back after filling in the required information. You can then view and download your results in table format or Excel.

  • Domestic Sales
  • Exception Sales
  • Export of Produces Goods
  • Export Registered Sales
  • Yurtiçi Satışlar
  • İstisna Satışlar
  • Üretilen Malın İhracatı
  • İhraç Kayıtlı Satışlar
  • Diğer KDV Toplamı
  • İhraç Kayıtlı Alım Tutarları
  • DİİB Alım Tutarları
  • Devreden KDV
  • Other VAT Total
  • Export Registered Purchase Amount
  • DİİB Purchase Amount
  • Transferred VAT